    Seepage before coating leveling, cleaning of the tank body. The laying of sharp debris shall not vertical depth of surface 25mm: such as debris rubble, stone, concrete, steel particles, metal or other materials to pierce HDPE impervious membrane. HDPE impervious membrane is flexible material, can be based on any structure of the pool body, do any modeling package lining. All corner, rectangular section, should be made of rounded or chamfered, avoid damaging the HDPE impervious membrane. After laying, should immediately after welding, pipe joints, yin-yang angle, corner of a tricky place, with hot air and extrusion welding. Laying position request, back side walls, brick fixed.
山东莱芜同利土工合成材料有限公司 版权所有 总经理:陈志强 手机:13863484108
地址:山东省莱芜市高新区吕花园工业园  电话:0634-5961578 5961579 传真:0634-5958849 邮箱:lwtongli.cn@163.com